CHARINDEX - Searches an expression for another expression and returns its starting position if found.
SET @FullName = 'Clark Kent'
select CHARINDEX(' ', @FullName)
Output – 6
STUFF - The STUFF function inserts a string into
another string. It deletes a specified length of characters in the first string
at the start position and then inserts the second string into the first string
at the start position.
--Syntax STUFF(character_expression , start , length ,
SET @FullName = 'Clark Kent'
SET @Alias = ' "Superman" '
SELECT STUFF(@FullName, CHARINDEX(' ', @FullName), 1, @Alias) AS [FullName]
Output - Clark
"Superman" Kent
SELECT STUFF('abcdef', 2, 3, 'ijklmn');
Output - aijklmnef
Replace - Replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another string value.
Syntax - REPLACE (string_expression , string_pattern , string_replacement)
REPLICATE - Repeats a string value a specified number of times.
Syntax- REPLICATE ( string_expression ,integer_expression )
SELECT 'ID'+ REPLICATE('0', 4) ;-- output:ID0000
Reverse - Returns the reverse order of a string value.
Syntax - REVERSE ( string_expression )
ASCII – returns ASCII value of a specified string
Concat – Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more string values.
select CONCAT('AB','C'),CONCAT ( 'Happy ', 'Birthday ', 11, '/', '25' )
Output- ABC Happy Birthday 11/25
LEFT - Returns the left part of a character string with the specified number of characters.
SELECT LEFT('abcdefg',2) Output - ab
SELECT RIGHT('abcdefg',2) Output - fg
SELECT LEN('abcdefg') Output – 7
SELECT LOWER('ABCDEFG') AS Lower Output - abcdefg
SELECT UPPER('abcdefg') as uppar; Output – ABCDEFG
LTRIM - Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks.
select LTRIM(' abcdefg dfj') Output – abcdefg dfj
select RTRIM('abcdefg dfj ') Output – abcdefg dfj
STR - Returns character data converted from numeric data.
Syntax - STR ( float_expression [ , length [ , decimal ] ] )
SELECT STR(123.45, 6, 1);
SUBSTRING - Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression in SQL Server.
Syntax- SUBSTRING ( expression ,start , length )
SELECT x = SUBSTRING('abcdef', 2, 3);
CHAR – Converts an int ASCII code to a character.
SELECT char(65)
SPACE – Returns a string of
repeated spaces.
Syntax- SPACE ( integer_expression )
SELECT SPACE(20)+'abcdefg'+ ','
Output - abcdefg,